#14 Cooper Read, Digital & Social Entrepreneur, MAPS Advocate & Zendo Project Vol.

Cooper Read is a GREAT storyteller while his career journey includes playing college baseball, a surgical technician, an adventurer and journeyman, MAPS & Zendo Project Advocate.Cooper has tells how he found inspiration knowing that he wanted more out of life than what the health care industry could provide in traditional institutions. Also, a mention from Ken & Eric about how you cannot out exercise a sedentary lifestyle and a customer story about CBD and vagal mediated atrial fibrillation. (more…)

2024-03-21T14:04:35+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#13 Leif Harrison, Dir. Bus. Development for Elixinol

Leif Harrison has entered the world of the Hemp business after a multi-varied work experience in both high-level corporate business and post US Navy career. Born in AZ, raised in OH, Leif was a scholarship competitive sailor for the US Naval Academy. He is a trained parachutist, and tells of his religious calling to embark upon a 40 day fast. Incredible show about resolve and calling, check it out! (more…)

2024-03-21T14:04:28+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#11 Ric Moore Playboy photographer & Entrepreneur

Ric Moore was a photographer at Playboy Magazine for over 20 years. His skills allowed him to be a part of the first ever rock concert for in the former Soviet Union in 1987. Ric has always followed his heart to find interesting career choices for himself from teaching at Oklahoma University, Playboy Photographer, student pilot and owner of his own plane, student of improv and stand-up comedy, and now a proprietor of a dispensary (RedBub Medical MJ) in the OKC area after learning the benefits of medical THC and CBD. (more…)

2024-03-21T14:04:15+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#8 Chris Husong, Hemp Market Expert, Elixinol

Chris Husong is a market expert in the hemp industry. Accounting for the challenges of public perception, legal challenges, and the burdens of science to prove the claims for hemp benefits have all shaped the climate in which hemp is used today. Born in Texas, Chris moved with his parents a few times throughout the country, studied theology in California, worked in finance and (more…)

2024-03-21T14:03:56+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#7 Wade McKenna, DO – Stem Cell Expert, Inventor, & Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. McKenna has successfully treated an incredible array of diseases, inside and outside of orthopedics with stem cells. McKenna has been on the front line of stem cells and their clinical application for decades. If you have ever wanted to know the vast array of proven applications for stem cells, do not miss this episode. What stem cells are, how they (more…)

2024-03-21T14:03:49+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#6 Joy Beckerman – Hemp Policy expert, legal aspects for CBD federal & state

Joy serves as the Regulatory Officer & Industry Liaison for Elixinol (Elixinol specializes in premium hemp products and extracts, noted for purity & quality). Hear about Joy’s experience with hemp policy as a federal and state resource for the respective law makers. She has ben a part of the hemp advancement for over 25 years. Joy discusses her crazy experience with the secret service, the evolution of (more…)

2024-03-21T14:03:41+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|

#4 Marc Semmelmann – Beating the odds & Surviving cancer, Raquel’s Wings for Life

Marc is the ONLY known 5 year survivor of de-differentiated chondrosarcoma. A former D1 football player for the University of Texas, father of 3, and devoted husband learned almost a decade ago that his life was most likely to soon come to a close. With his optimistic and make the most of it attitude, Marc is beyond 9 years of being in remission for a once thought to be incurable condition. Marc has since (more…)

2024-03-21T14:03:20+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|
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