C19 #4 COVID-19 File Ep 4 Sea-Long’s Chris Austin: Demo Hyperbaric Hoods

This episode brings HOPE! Chris Austin, President of Sea-Long Medical, joins Dr. Ken Brown and Eric Rieger to talk about how his company is saving lives and resources during the pandemic. Sea-Long produces very inexpensive solutions for patients that would normally require a mechanical ventilator, by using a hyperbaric helmet that (more…)

2024-03-27T21:21:32+00:00Categories: Authority, COVID, Gut Check Radio|

#35 Living Generously: Ron Klabunde of Generosity Feeds

Generous? Make a difference in your community with us today! It’s easy to do and we will show you how! Ron Klabunde joins the GCP as Dr. Ken & Eric hit the road to Austin and tells them all about the mission of living generously. Ron is a former pastor, and with the help of his wife (Stephani Klabunde)) has organized a nation wide movement to end hunger for children. Generosity Feeds and (more…)

#32 Crohn’s-Living Life to the Fullest, Paneez Khakpour

A Crohn’s diagnosis can seem like a disaster. The worry and sadness that is associated for the family that wants the best for their loved ones is real… BUT there’s more than hope! Paneez Khakpour joins Dr. Ken Brown and Eric Rieger to tell her story of triumph over Crohn’s. Living with Crohn’s doesn’t have to rob you of your life, as Paneez shares her story of being (more…)

2024-03-27T21:20:38+00:00Categories: Authority, Gut, Gut Check Radio|

#30 Unrefined Bakery: Healthy Brilliance for Everyone

Taylor Nicholson and Anne Hoyt of the incredible Unrefined Bakery drop in to the Gut Check Project to discuss incredible foods that come from love of their community! Ohh Did we forget to say EVERYTHING that they make is gluten free, and tastes AWESOME??!! Learn how these women turned Celiac disease on its head, and are building a community that is healthy and safe for all people. (more…)

2024-03-27T21:20:24+00:00Categories: Authority, Gut Check Radio|

#23 Healthy Finance with Patrick and Tim, SurePath Wealth

Your hosts, Ken Brown, MD and trusty sidekick Eric Rieger, speak with Patrick Brewer and Tim Power from SurePath Wealth Management. Learn how to keep your finances healthy as well as your gut. Join this wild ride of children performing carnival acts, priceless ($34) civil war figurines, a rusty old harmonica, and of course financial knowledge with a hint of tummy talk from the best. (more…)

2024-03-27T21:22:00+00:00Categories: Authority, good stuff, Gut Check Radio|
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