#67 “Billboard” Chris Elston & Puberty Blockers

Are puberty blockers safe for children? Exactly who is talking to our children about these drugs? It is a situation that not a large percentage of parents ever really have to face. Or do they?

Chris Elston (AKA “Billboard Chris”) joins the GCP for this episode to discuss why he has earned his nickname, and why he is working so hard to educate the public in the western world about his frightening (more…)

2022-04-22T19:58:08+00:00Categories: Authority, Gut Check Radio|

#66 Microdosing Psilocybin & Natural Serotonin Mimics for Better Brain Health

What in the world is microdosing? Can “tiny doses” actually accomplish anything?

The rate of young professionals and lay people turning to psilocybin and other similar natural substances to attempt to bring balance to their mood and brain health grows annually.

It’s no secret that storied institutions such as Johns Hopkins (more…)

2022-04-22T19:58:22+00:00Categories: Authority, Brain, Gut Check Radio|

#58 Talkin’ SH!T with Sabine Hazan, MD

Can you lose weight or fend off disease just by “introducing” your gut bacteria to a thinner or healthier person???

This is what happens when two GI docs link up and one has a book (link to buy below) discussing the INCREDIBLE health advances we all can achieve with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT).

What an honor it was to have Dr. Hazan join the GCP! You will finish this episode excited about the (more…)

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