Rectolution: What and Why
Hi, I’m doctor Ken Brown.
As a practicing, Board Certified, Gastroenterologist for almost 20 years, my
experience supports my belief in the value of both Science and Nature in
health and medicine.
Science is the process that develops techniques and formulas, while Nature
provides the nutrients and physical components. I know that together they
support our body’s ability to heal.
Currently science is proving the healing power of Cannabis and its various
components; the most studied component is CBD.
Over the past 5 years I have studied, researched, and tested CBD on
myself and with my willing patients and staff. The results have been
amazing and life-altering.
Now my team and I have developed “Rectolution”.
Recto from the Latin (rectum intestinum) meaning “straight intestine”.
Lution from the noun: Solution [səˈlo͞oSH(ə)n] meaning solving a
problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
KBMD Health™ utilizes the rapid absorption capabilities of the rectum,
and avoids the digestive process, to deliver relief more effectively for a
broad spectrum of health issues.
Rectolution is proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients consisting
primarily of sustainably harvested beeswax, organic shea butter, cold
pressed full spectrum CBD, and specific anti-inflammatory terpenoids.
The current product you see in our store focuses specifically on GI
problems. Anecdotal responses from my patients and other participants
have been so enthusiastically positive that KMBD Health is now making it
available to you.
To ensure availability, we have limited the number of participants allowed
to enjoy this “at cost” offer and we need your help, to help others. Before
you have access to place your order, we request that you answer 4 simple
questions on the next screen: Your name, your email address, your doctors
name, and what is your specific GI health issue.
By doing so you will then be able to experience the benefit of using
Rectolution, and you can help KBMD Health help others with their GI
issues. We will use your input to refine Rectolution while developing
additional products.
When your order is shipped you will receive confirmation, a tracking
number, and a short questionnaire via email. Please complete the
questionnaire and return it immediately via email. You will receive another
short questionnaire after you complete the dosage. By charting your
(anonymous) beginning and ending answers, a profile of results will be
established as the bases for scientific publication to help researchers and
doctors develop and improve existing and alternative health care products
that will help other people who are experiencing similar issues.
To show my appreciation for your participation, I will send you 2 bottles of
KBMD Health, organic, full-spectrum, CBD oil upon receipt of your
completed 2 nd questionnaire. This is a 60-day supply; valued at $159.98.
Thank you again for being a progressive thinker who seeks solutions
through natural products, and for providing much needed information that
will improve the quality of life for you and others in the GI community.
By clicking below you acknowledge having read this page and authorize the
use of your generic information by KBMD Health (only) to utilize the results
for additional research on products that help heal naturally.